Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day

Mr. Man was up and ready to go at 5am
on Christmas morning.

The Diva got up at 6am
and was ready to go.
Mr. Man did a good job of
opening gifts all by himself.

Mr. PC was all smiles ;-)

and so was the Diva

It took Mr. PC a while to
realize what he had just opened.
He could not understand why I would get him
a humidifier.
Mr. PC was very happy when he realized it was
6 bottles of his favorite wine.
That is almost impossible
to find around here.

A gift from Daddy

The aftermath

Silly Diva!
Look at me!

Silly boy

1 comment:

  1. Did I see a new TV in that madness somewhere? Looks like a great family Christmas. I can't wait to visit.
    ----Aunt C.
