Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Just let go.....

No pictures of the kids today, I just need to let a few things go. Have no fear, soon I will have a ton of pictures of them up.

I have been thinking and if you know me, that is not always a good thing. At night when I go to sleep my mind starts to race. I dream up all kinds of crazy plans during that hour or so that I lay awake. For the last few weeks I keep thinking about the same thing, friendship and family. With all the stuff like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, texting and our lifestyle, everyone is just too busy! No time to pick up the phone just to say hi. If you're not following Twitter or Facebook for peoples updates, you may never know what is going on with them. I put too much of myself into relationships to be ok with that. I deserve a phone call just to chat. Not for hours on end or every day, but once a month would be nice. Hell, I would be happy with an email where the whole world was not CC'd along with me.

I have started to make a list. You see my life is just as busy (no this stay at home mom does not spend her days just sitting on the couch watching TV) and why should I make people a priority in my life when I am only an option in theirs? It is time for me stop! I will spend that extra free time with the people that I know make me a priority in their life. Family to me has nothing to do with blood or even your last name. I treat my friends and family the same. I do not really have a family tree it is more like ground cover and with the type of job Mr. PC has, your friends often become your family.

I stopped and asked myself this question:
When push comes to shove and my back is against the wall who will be there for me?

My list was short, but that is ok. I know who has my back, who will be my rock when I need it, and who will pick me up if I fall.

From now on I am going to learn to let go….let go of friendships that have already died….stop trying when I know that I will be the one to get hurt yet again, accept the fact that some people are never going to change. You see, my God, my kids, my husband, and my true friends/family are the ones that I will devote my time to. I will only invest my time in relationship where people make me a priority. I guess you could say I am doing a little cleaning of my emotional house. It may hurt a little at first, but when it's said and done I know I will feel better about it. Plus my husband will be a little happier, not that he is one to tell me “I told you so”, but I know he would like to. Plus he does not like to see me get hurt.

For the peanut gallery: This is my blog and yes 99.9% of it is all about the kids, but today I just needed to let some stuff go and since I am not on Facebook, Twitter, or MySpace this is my outlet. Tomorrow or the next day you will find more cute pictures of my kids.

1 comment:

  1. Please know that I am here for you whenever and for whatever you need. Taking stock and re-focusing your emotional energy is not a fun task most of the time. I hope the changes you are making bring you peace.

    I love you and am grateful everyday for the relationship we have. I agree with you completely that family is not always about blood or a name, family is what you make it.

