Saturday, April 23, 2016

Eight Months

On the 10th of April
This Sweet Boy turned 8 months old!
He is a happy little boy,
and always on the move.
He does a backwards slide crawl and rolls to get where he wants to go!
He can cover some ground real quick!
He smiles and laughs all day long.
He really is a happy boy.
He always needs something in his hands.
He loves his blankets, just like his
older brother.

He loves to be on the go and sleeps
like a champ in the stroller.
At night he likes
to sleep with Mommy and Daddy.

He has a little huge case
of separation anxiety when it comes
to his Mommy.

 His face just lights up when The Diva and Mr. Man
enter the room.
His Daddy is his favorite person
to play with.
Peek a boo is one of his favorite games
and The Wheels on the Bus
is his favorite song.
He is just a happy boy!
He has brought so much joy to our house!
I can not even remember what life
was like before our Sweet Boy.