Sunday, February 21, 2010

All about the Diva

The Diva is now 4 and a half!
(give or take a day or two)
She loves the camera.
Once she sees the camera she turns
into a true Diva!

She is very happy
and loves to be silly

She loves her dance class and

she spends a ton of time
at home just dancing

Her two favorite things

Daddy bear and Starry
Her and Daddy bear have been together since
Feb 2009. Starry joined the club in Sept 2009.

Now for some Diva-isms
A fews days ago she wanted to go to St Louis
and when we told her we could not
she told us she could drive
When I asked her if she would drive on the
left or right side of rode
Her reply was " in the middle"


After not being happy that Aunt C had
to go home on Sunday
She told us that she was
going to take Sunday off the

Random Diva stuff:
She loves to spin
and loves to sing
She loves school and
is sad when she cannot go
(like when it is a weekend)
Wants to be a firefighter, mommy
and peterinarian (veterinarian)
when she grows up
Favorite color: pink and black
Favorite number: 4
Favorite song: Jesus Loves Me
Our Diva is a sweet and loving little
girl. She loves to play with Mr. Man.
She enjoys helping around the house.
She requires little sleep and has a ton
of energy.
Life with the Diva has been a true adventure.

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