Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A Trip Back in Time

 We spent the day at the Plimoth Plantation.

 Our first stop was the Wampanoag Homesite.
 The Diva is always our tour guide.

 We learned how to make a boat by
 burning out a tree.
 We also learned that the number of fireplaces
in a home was equal to the number of families in the home.

 We made our way to the English Village.
 We stopped at the meeting house
and you could see the whole village from there.

 The first home we visited was
Miles Standish.
He was called away to deal with something
but another nice man let the kids
turn some grains into flour.

 Both kids got to try on armor that
the men had to wear while on watch.

 The kids quickly learned that life back then
was very different than life today.

 Then we went to see the rock.

 Next we explored the Mayflower.
 I was shocked to see just how small it was.
It had ~135 people on it when it made its voyage.

 We got a lesson on how the Mayflower was steered.
 After seeing the ship and hearing the stories,
I am amazed that the ship and people
made it as far as they did.

It was a great time to visit this area as the
Diva had just studied this era in her history class.

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