Friday, October 7, 2022

Seoul Sad!

It was our last day in Seoul and we still had

so much to do! After breakfast we headed out

 to see just how much we could check off my must see list.

We started our walk heading down some of the many winding alleyways.

Then we turned the corner and it turned into the most picturesque streets that I have seen since Europe.


We then arrived at the Deoksungung Palace. The palace
had a very romantic feel despite being surround by modern buildings in a very
busy area of the city. You almost forgot that you were in the middle of a large city 
while you explored the grounds.

We spent a few hours exploring, then headed to our next location, but we needed 
to stop and refuel!

Our next stop was the Jogyesa Temple,  it is the main temple of the Jogye
Order of Korean Buddhism. This was originally our first stop on Saturday that I moved
 to allow us to sleep in a little, but unfortunately a service was going on when we arrived. We didn't enter the ground, so I snapped the two photos as we listened to the service from outside the temple grounds.   

After that it was off to find the family some lunch. I had seen an authentic looking chicken place during 

our walk, but hunger got the best of them, and so they opted for a cute looking 50's burger diner.  

Someone was so excited trying kool-aid for the first time, but then didn't drink half of it. 

Everyone got different style burgers and not one bite was left on any plate.


The diner was located next to the Cheonggyecheon Stream and Plaza. My original plan was to visit this area the Saturday night, but due to the attempted mutiny, I had to postpone till Sunday. 

The area was very nice and I heard it comes to life at night. So, we will be adding

it to our 'to do list' for the next time we come back.

Someone loves the camera!

After that we headed back to our hotel to pack and we took a few pictures along the way.


We had a late check-out at the the hotel, but still had a few more hours to kill

before we needed to head to the train station. We dropped our bags off at the concierge desk and heading 

out to explore the underground market and out door market near our hotel.

Unfortunately the underground market only had a few stores open, so we headed back up street level and explored the outdoor market. 

I purchased a few items from some different vendors along the way for them to try and The Diva and Mr. Man both requested to try a few different things that they had saw. The only dish that was not a hit was the one The Diva requested (red sauce).  I love that the kids are so willing to try different foods. We have decided that next time we will skip a sit down lunch and hit up a bunch of different food vendors. We wandered the streets shopping and eating until it was time to pick up our luggage an head to the train station.

And with that, our weekend in Seoul had came to an end!
We had a great time, knocked a few things off our 'must see' list and added a lot
more things that we need to see. Luckily Seoul is just a quick train ride away.
All in all, I think it was a great trip to get us (okay me) accustomed to the area and learning to navigate
another foreign country. 


As the husband  said "we popped the cherry", so  now I'm in official trip planning mode. We already have our first trip out of South Korea partially booked and I just read that Japan is going to be opening up
to tourists even more soon. Hello, Tokyo!! I am so excited to explore this side of world.

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